Rissington Round 2 DRS

Published on 21 April 2024 at 19:00

Rissington Round 2 Daniel Ricciardo Series Plate

Qualifying - I qualified P3 which gave me a great position to move forward in the heat

Heat - I had a great start and straight up to P2 and it stayed like that for the whole race as I struggled for straight line speed and wasn't able to push for P1

Pre-Final - I was starting on the outside so I lost a position straight away down to P3. It stayed like that for the whole of the race because we couldn't quite get close enough to make a move for P1.

Final - I was starting P3 again which helped a lot as I got straight up to P2. A couple corners later I went for a move for P1 and made it stick. I led for about 2 laps before losing 2 places again. Most of the race it stayed like that before last 2 laps there was a lot of switching places for P1, P2 and P3. Last Lap was very intense as the last few corners P2 made a move for P1 which I then followed through. P1 defended against me on the 2nd last corner I then got the switch back to win.

Overall very happy with the weekend and move on to the next. 

Grand Final onboard footage may be on my YouTube later. 


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